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Molecular pump

Molecular pump

Agilent offers unique and reliable turbomolecular vacuum pumps and controllers that provide a trusted vacuum environment for a wide range of applications in academia, research, nanotechnology, analytical instrumentation and industry。Agilent turbomolecular pumps range from 70 to 2300 L/s and are supported by comprehensive testing and reliable aftermarket support。

Molecular pump product overview

Agilent offers unique and reliable turbomolecular vacuum pumps and controllers that provide a trusted vacuum environment for a wide range of applications in academia, research, nanotechnology, analytical instrumentation and industry。Agilent turbomolecular pumps range from 70 to 2300 L/s and are supported by comprehensive testing and reliable aftermarket support。

Agilent TwisTorr technology
- The momentum required for the pumping effect comes from the rotor disk, and this momentum is transferred to the gas molecules
- Gas molecules are forced to move along spiral channels in the stator disks。The special design of the channel ensures a constant local pumping speed and avoids reverse pressure gradients to greatly reduce power consumption

Centripetal pumping action
The lower surface area of the rotor disc is able to transfer momentum to the gas molecules。
The helical channel located on the upper surface of the stator disk of TwisTorr produces centripetal pumping。
Centrifugal pumping action
The upper surface region of the rotor disk is able to transfer momentum to the gas molecules。

Good performance
- The TwisTorr pump provides the same pump speed for all gases in the same class
Advanced TwisTorr technology also enables high compression ratios for lightweight gases in commercially available turbomolecular pumps
- While achieving high performance, the design of the new drag stage will reduce the average power consumption by a quarter compared to the previous design

Space-saving design
- Our rotors feature a proven Agilent one-piece rotor design, in which the TwisTorr stator disc is placed between two smooth rotor discs, thus enabling the passage of two rotors in series
The surface of the disc is pumped
The double-sided spiral channel design of the TwisTorr stator disc connects the centripetal and centrifugal pumping action in series, greatly reducing the size of the drag stage

Compression ratio
Compared to MacroTorr drag stages of the same size and speed, the single TwisTorr stage improves the N2 compression ratio by up to 100 times without reducing the pressure and pumping speed of the previous stage

Molecular pump technical parameters

Molecular pump specification

Optional accessories